When business is slow, it’s easy to focus on the fact that you’re not making money or that you need money. This can spiral down so fast that you miss out on opportunities that are knocking on your door.

I know this because I’ve been there.

  • Times when the beginning of the month already feels like the end.
  • When bills have piled up and there’s no income in sight.
  • When clients are dropping off and there seems to be no way to replace them.

Yes, those times when you’re running on fumes.

If this is you, while you do need to make money fast, it’s also important to take a step back and really SEE what you’re missing.

Your vision won’t clear immediately. It may take some time before the opportunities reveal themselves. But when they do, you’ll be on fire!

Here’s a process I adapted from Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret. It’s worked for me and I’ve taught it to my clients who have hit a rough patch.

Try this process if your business is slow right now

✴️ Wake up earlier than you usually do – at least 1 hour earlier.

✴️ If you normally meditate or do devotions first thing in the morning, then complete them first.

✴️ Sit down in a quiet place with a notebook and pen and write your challenge at the top of a clean page. Don’t write it in the negative, instead focus on what you want.

  • For example, instead of “I need to make KES. xxx,xxx/- this month.” write, “How can I make KES. xxx,xxx/- this month?”
  • Instead of “I need to sign up 5 clients this month.”, try “How can I sign up at least 5 clients this month?”
  • Also, make sure that the target is realistic. If you’ve never made that much in a month, then your mind just won’t believe it and you’ll sabotage yourself before you even get started. Start small, get results, and then work on bigger targets.
  • Yes, sometimes magic happens, but if it doesn’t then you end up feeling much worse than you did before you started this process.

✴️ Note down all the ideas that come up, no matter how minute or unbelievable they are.

✴️ At the end of the hour, say a prayer of thanks and then go about your day as you normally would. The only difference this time is that you stay on the lookout for opportunities instead of focusing entirely on your problems. It will take a bit of time to train your mind to think this new way, but it is possible in a very short time.

✴️ At the end of the day, say a prayer of thanks or list out at least 3 things you’re grateful for that day. I do this last thing at night just when I’m falling asleep.

✴️ Repeat this process for 30 consecutive days and you’ll have a different story to tell!

But…there’s a catch!

Now here’s the catch:

  • When I say 30 consecutive days, I mean exactly that.
  • If you do it for 9 days consecutively then drop off on day 10, the clock resets and you go back to Day 1 the next morning.
  • This means that for most people it will take about 2-3 months to complete an uninterrupted 30-day cycle.

So how will this help solve your immediate money problems?

Actually, it won’t solve the immediate problems (remember, we’re not magicians). You may have to live with the discomfort for a little while longer. What it will do is shift your focus from looking at problems to focusing on seeking solutions.

I won’t go into the science of it…just know that once you start feeling better on the inside, the problems on the outside will also shift.

Also, the money may not necessarily come in the form of cash or from your business in the interim.

  • Someone may offer to pay one or more of your bills.
  • A long-forgotten debt – money you lent someone years ago then forgot – gets paid.
  • You get a refund you didn’t even know was owed to you.
  • You remember a savings account that you’d forgotten, check it out, and find it has more money than you expected.


  • You get referrals from nowhere and they sign up as clients from single phone conversations with you.
  • Someone who’s been following you online asks for a meeting and hires you.
  • A prospect who went cold years ago calls and they’re ready to work with you.

The list is endless. As I said earlier, I’ve been there, and this is my list of some of the ways money came to me when I did this exercise. I could add to it, but I think this is enough to get you started.

What about the list of things that came up in your daily writing?

Do I need to say anything about that?

I don’t think so.

By the time you complete the 30-day exercise, you’ll have so many ideas for your business that your head will be buzzing!

Now, isn’t that a great problem to have?

I hope that you will implement at least one of these ideas within this period because one great idea is all it takes to catapult you and your business to the next level.

Over to you…

Are you stuck because business is slow? Try this process then come back here and share your results.

Have you tried something like this before and turned things around? What can you advise someone who is struggling right now because business is slow?

I’d love to hear from you so please share your experience in the Comments.

I know many people are struggling and we may not reach or help them all. Sharing our experiences proves that there is hope.

Sometimes, hope is the fuel someone needs to push forward another day.

(Image credit: Unsplash)

P.S. This article was first shared as a post on my personal Facebook profile. I didn’t know who needed to hear it and got really surprised by the feedback and comments. You can check it to see how others responded.

Caroline Gikonyo
Caroline Gikonyo

Caroline Gikonyo is a Life and Business Coach at Biashara 360. She's an avid blogger and also oversees our content creation. This ensures that we give our readers quality and well researched information and tips.

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