Do you struggle to market your services? Do you dream of having more effective marketing even though you’re a solopreneur?

I used to hate and fear marketing in equal measure! In fact, I was so afraid that it took working with two coaches to get me going.

I still remember my first business which was a brilliant idea according to me. I thought people would see the brilliance and come rushing to be my customers. Two years later, the reality of lack of marketing led to closed doors. The business crashed and took all my savings plus investments by my mum, sisters and husband.

When I got back into business the second time, I knew that I had to do one thing right: I had to become a master marketer. But then, knowing was one thing. Actualizing that knowledge took years.

Over time and with a lot of learning, failing and experience, I’ve come to love marketing and do it almost effortlessly.

Here’s the process that helped me overcome my fears. It’s what I use today and also what I teach my clients.

 A 3-Step Process for More Effective Marketing

Marketing is simply telling people what you do over and over again. You don’t just shout all over the place. You tell people in a way that they understand and that matches what they are looking for.

To do this, you must master 3 things.

1. The problems your potential clients are facing

These are the challenges, fears, frustrations that are keeping them awake at night. You need to understand these problems and articulate them so well that it seems as if you’ve been a fly on the wall of someone’s mind. Your marketing will have a greater impact when you understand these problems even better than your prospective clients do!

2. Their wishes, desires and dreams

Do you know what they want? What are they wishing for? What are the deep desires that they don’t even talk about openly?

Most people’s desires are generally the opposite of the problems they are facing. So simply identify the main 3-5 problems or pain points and then create their opposites.

Again, get to a point where you can talk about these desires so well that someone nods their head as you speak or as they read your marketing pieces (I hope you’re nodding along as you read this…).

3. The bridge between their problems and desires

Your program, product or service is the bridge that helps your clients overcome their problems in order to achieve their desires.

Find a way of talking about your solution in a way that a 12-year-old would understand. Avoid industry jargon and make the solution as relevant as possible to what people are looking for.

Also, avoid long-winded explanations about what you do. Break your explanation into 3-6 steps at the most and keep linking your steps back to the main challenges and desires.

Unfortunately, many people jump to the bridge and try to sell without first creating rapport with prospective clients. Rapport is created when you have conversations that bring out each person’s specific challenges and wishes. The same case applies to your online and offline marketing.

Over to You…

If you can master conversing about these 3 things (problems, desires, bridge), you’ll have an easier time as you market your services. You’ll also see a difference in the way people respond to your marketing efforts. It doesn’t cost anything, but it does require loads of practice and persistence.

So that’s Marketing 101 from someone who once dreaded marketing. I hope it helps you create more effective marketing especially if you’re a solopreneur.


Need help creating your marketing process?

Marketing doesn’t come easy to many people. But it’s possible to learn how to do it well and even enjoy the process.

If you’re a coach, trainer, or consultant and you really want to identify and master your own unique marketing style, check out our program Kickstart Your Business.

This is a live 12-week group program where I teach you a step-by-step system that you can replicate on your own in the future.

Through a combination of training, coaching, peer-to-peer accountability, and a private community, you will finally overcome the mindset and physical blocks that keep you from marketing effectively.

We also have a private members area with amazing resources, bonus learning activities, and templates you can customize for your business.

Join the next group and learn how to turn prospects into clients in a way that feels natural to you.

Find Out More About Kickstart...

(Image credit: Unsplash)

Caroline Gikonyo
Caroline Gikonyo

Caroline Gikonyo is a Life and Business Coach at Biashara 360. She's an avid blogger and also oversees our content creation. This ensures that we give our readers quality and well researched information and tips.

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