When you’re in business, it’s easy to focus on actions and forget about celebrating. I never used to celebrate my wins, but that’s now a part of my life and business.

We wrapped up the 12 Weeks to Startup program at the end of July by celebrating the milestone. I also set aside a personal celebration for having marketed, prepared, conducted, and wrapped up the program effectively.

Before diving into that, here’s why this achievement is a huge one for me…

The 12 Weeks to Startup Story

10 Years Ago (2011)

In 2011 when I was getting started as a coach, I hired an Executive Coach to help me set up my business.

Why an Executive Coach and not a Business Coach?

Well…as I said, I was a new coach and at that time, I didn’t know that I could hire a Business Coach at startup. Also, this was someone with a successful coaching business in Kenya. So it made sense to have her as my coach and mentor.

That was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!?

As we got started, my coach told me that I was best positioned to help professional women transition smoothly from employment into business. 

My training as a coach and own journey (including the failures), provided the expertise needed for this work.

I didn’t believe her because I was still reeling from the loss of my business and didn’t want to ‘go there’ with other people.

This time, I was wrong!?

Over the course of 9 weeks, she helped me create a business startup program for women. After weeks of deliberation, we settled on the name Create Your Dream Business or CYDB.

Before we came up with the content for the program, my coach literally forced me to:

  • Set up a website (I did this on Weebly).
  • Publish 3 blog posts.
  • Share the link to the website with my contacts.

This was one of the most painful experiences I’ve gone through in my journey as a coach!

I’ve shared in a previous article that it took 2 weeks to complete this exercise.

Also, my coach gave me an ultimatum when I dragged my feet: Either I complete the assignment and we move forward, or she drops me as a client!?

I still believe that the only reason I completed the assignment was that I had paid her in full…and I was not going to lose my money.

Those 3 posts turned into the CYDB coaching program. I later put the coaching program together into an eBook that sold online for 3 years. For years, I ran the CYDB coaching program 1-1 and later tried it with 2 groups of 2 people each.

6 Years Later

In 2017/8, a Business Strategist helped me come up with a plan to monetize the program online in 3 ways:

  1. Turn the eBook into a self-coaching manual that sells online.
  2. Create an e-course out of the manual.
  3. Set up a premium virtual membership or mastermind.

I went as far as the e-course and tested it with 2 people, but never went bigger.

In 2019, I decided to go BIG with it or package it into an e-course without a live coaching component and forget the rest.

However, I had a problem…

I had noticed over the years that it took more than 3 months to complete the program. In fact, most people ended stretching it to 6 months. Life would happen or jobs would require more of a person’s time. But also, the program was too large to complete in 3 months and many struggled.

Fast-Forward to 2021

Early this year, another coach helped me come up with a new Solution.

This time, we split the program into 3 and expanded the modules that people struggled with. This new formula gave my clients more time to complete the assignments and there was a clear way forward that wasn’t rushed.

I tested this with a few 1-1 clients and it worked like magic. Then I took it to the next level with a group and…

?We Are Now Celebrating!?

In July, we wrapped up the first 12 Weeks to Startup group for this year with great results from the whole group.

  • 10 women.
  • 12 weeks.
  • Total breakthroughs!?

It was an intense 3 months as we worked through fears, self-doubts, and imposter syndrome. We identified and tested unique business ideas and worked on getting clients or hot prospects.

On the back end, my team and I set up, updated and managed:

  • Facebook and WhatsApp groups.
  • A private Members Area.
  • Co-ordinations with invited guest speakers.

It’s been a journey.

I celebrate these women who trusted the process, worked through the class (it was really tough at times), and have emerged shining on the other side!

The end of this season marks the beginning of another season for all of us.

We’ve moved forward as everyone steps into this new space we’ve each created.

  • Some are moving to the next level which is also a 12-week program.
  • Others are moving to a membership as they work on their businesses at a slower pace but still receive support and accountability.
  • Others remain in our network and attend one-off strategy sessions or any business growth events that come in the future.

Best of all, we have a community where women can start or grow their businesses while receiving support and accountability at whatever level they are.

Completing this program laid out the RoadMap for me

For the first time since I stepped into Biashara 360, I feel confident about guiding this ship to the destination we mapped out at startup.

The level of clarity about how everything fits together is amazing. So much so that I’ve broken down some other programs and merged them with others so that I have a clear success path for my clients.

Even as I celebrate the achievement of these milestones, I can’t help but ask myself, “What if I had given up?”

What if I had allowed the fears, doubts, challenges, inner insecurities and everything else that didn’t work out to make me walk away from my goal?

What if I had judged myself too harshly for going back full circle when I could have taken the straight path and achieved more in a shorter while?

I have many What if I had (or hadn’t)… questions. However, I won’t dwell on them because there is work to be done!

Success Doesn’t Come Easy

On top of celebrating this milestone, I’m also very glad that I never gave up.

There were many roadblocks, detours, and even mountains to climb along the way. It would have been easy to say that this can’t work and give up.

I tried solving these challenges in many ways including getting into partnerships with other people. None of the partnerships worked fully and I now know that it’s because I was trying to run away from being 100% responsible.

Here’s what I know now: Success doesn’t come easy!

Taking action on your most desired dreams will take you on a journey of self-discovery. You will meet your highest self and also meet your biggest saboteur.

There are times when you will fail.

There will also be levels of success if you push forward.

What About You?

It’s up to you to decide whether to give up or whether to hang in there until things align or until you achieve your goal.

  • Are you willing to work on your business dream for the next 10 years?
  • Will you hang in there and force yourself to get back on track when you find you’ve lost direction?
  • Are you willing to sometimes look like hauna mwelekeo (You have no direction) and even fail publicly as you work on your goals?
  • Are you willing to stay true to what you want?
  • What are you willing to do for your dream?

These questions are not easy to answer. However, I urge you to take time and reflect on them, especially if you’ve hit a hard time in your business. You’ll be surprised at the answers and AHAs you’ll get from your reflection.

In the meantime, please join me in celebrating the 10 women who braved the 12 Weeks to Startup process. I know that each of them will change their lives and the lives of their clients and communities.

As for me, I feel like a proud Mama Eagle as I watch my Eaglets soar because they’ve all earned their wings!

I’d also love to hear from you…

Celebrating both large and small successes can play a powerful and motivating role for you and your team. It’s not an easy habit to acquire, but the results are more than worth the effort.

Is celebrating your wins part of your life and business culture?

If you don’t celebrate, what can you do, starting this month, to make celebration a regular part of your business culture?

(Image credit: Pexels)


This time next year, you too can be celebrating your business growth!

When you’re ready, you’re welcome to join the next 12 Weeks to Startup group. This program is for you if you have some expertise that you want to monetize. It’s also ideal if you’re a coach, trainer, consultant, or mentor and you feel that your business is stuck at startup. Book a complimentary Discovery Call to find out more about the program.

Caroline Gikonyo
Caroline Gikonyo

Caroline Gikonyo is a Life and Business Coach at Biashara 360. She's an avid blogger and also oversees our content creation. This ensures that we give our readers quality and well researched information and tips.

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