Continuing with the 4-part series on how to choose the perfect business for you, I’ll look at how you can analyse what you’re already good at or love doing. This series is extracted from my book 12 Weeks to Startup.

Click the links below to read the other articles in this series:

Getting back to today’s topic…

You need to conduct a personal analysis before you start your business. This is because you’re the most important aspect of this business. So it’s important that you check your strengths and weaknesses before you start our business.

How to Conduct a Pre-Startup Personal Analysis

Step 1

To start with, identify 3-5 people who know you very well. These are people who are open with you and can tell you the truth without fear of losing your friendship or support.

Ask them the questions below and note down their answers:

  • What are things that I do well?
  • What would you say are my main areas of weakness?
  • What are the things that you know that I do naturally?
  • What opportunities do you see out there for me?
  • What are my quirks, the things I do that are uniquely me?
  • What are the main ways that you see me sabotaging myself?

Don’t skip any of these questions. Also, don’t take things personally when people tell you what they see as your weaknesses or areas of self-sabotage.

The areas of weakness that you have in your personal life, career or job will translate into areas of weakness for your business.

Make sure you write down their answers immediately. Memory is very tricky so don’t rely on it.

Step 2

When you complete the interviews, summarize the results in a table or a single A4 sheet. Cross check the answers to find out the common characteristics that have emerged.

This analysis is your background research on yourself as a person. It’s also an analysis on the potential you have to make a business succeed or die.

Finally, the analysis will reveal to you the areas where you need to improve. Start working on your improvement through through courses, reading books, attending seminars and workshop, or working with a mentor or coach.

What to do with this information?

First, it’s important that you’re open, clear, and objective as you work through your personal analysis so that you don’t overlook anything important.

Beyond this, you also need to identify what you’re good at by interviewing people who know you. That process is outlined in the next article in this series.

Once you’re done with the analysis and interviews, you will have enough information to help you pick1-3 business ideas that are perfect for you.

(Image credit: Pexels)

12 Weeks to Startup

Are you ready to start your dream business?

It takes time to start a business and grow it to the level where you can comfortably quit your job.

What if you don’t have the time or money to wait?

Get a copy of my book 12 Weeks to Startup: How to Turn Your Skills, Talents, Knowledge and Experiences Into a Business” and have a running business within 3 months.

This book is for you if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the startup process. It’s also ideal if you don’t have the time to attend a comprehensive business startup program.

Depending on the nature of your business and the level of attention you give it, you can start earning from the business within 12 weeks.

This book, which is a self-coaching manual, outlines the exact steps I take my clients the first 3 months we work together.

Click here to get this e-guide today and start your business

Caroline Gikonyo
Caroline Gikonyo

Caroline Gikonyo is a Life and Business Coach at Biashara 360. She's an avid blogger and also oversees our content creation. This ensures that we give our readers quality and well researched information and tips.

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