When selling on the internet, many people often get bogged down and fixated on traffic. Traffic is the lifeblood of any website. Without traffic, you can’t have conversions. It’s also such a nice kick to see a huge number of people visiting your site.

But what ultimately earns you revenue on the internet is conversions, not traffic. While you need to build a steady stream of traffic, you should focus your efforts on converting that traffic.

Why Conversions Are Important

First, let’s discuss what “traffic” and “conversion” mean. Traffic just means people visiting your site. Conversion means the action you want a visitor at your site to take.

A conversion can be any action on your website or blog. For example, a visitor on your site may do one or more of the following depending on what you’re offering:

  • Buy something or sign up for your program.
  • Sign up for your email newsletter.
  • Download a PDF or other resource.
  • Connect with you on social media.

Why then are conversions so important?

The main reason is that this is where you earn. You don’t earn money directly through website traffic, although there are other benefits to high traffic.

Focusing on high conversions is a more efficient use of your time. It’s easier to double conversions than to double traffic. It takes months of building to double traffic, whereas you can make a simple change to your offer or offer something new in a fraction of the time and see results.

The cost is also dramatically different. Traffic strategies that significantly increase your website visitors cost money. When you focus on conversions, you capitalize on the traffic you’ve already built.

Focusing on conversions puts the focus on quality rather than quantity. When you have high conversions, it means people are having a better experience on your website. It’s valuable, relevant, and easy to use for your visitors. People are not only landing on your site and consuming content there, but taking the action you want them to take.

Why You May Not Be Getting High Conversions

The main reason why your website or blog may not be getting high conversions is that its offer isn’t relevant to its visitors. In other words, the targeting isn’t right.

People may be coming to the website expecting something and don’t find it there. Or, they find the content useful but the offer isn’t appealing to them.

Your conversion rate could also be affected by other factors such as:

  • Poorly written content.
  • Difficult navigation.
  • Weak calls-to-action.
  • Or having a difficult process for taking whatever action you want visitors to take.

What leads to conversions is having great content, proper targeting of your readers, having appropriate offers that truly help your visitors, and having an easy-to-use site.

Other techniques such as offering strategy sessions can boost conversions as well.

Get the Best of Both Worlds

The key to a successful sales strategy is to turn that traffic into conversions.

Ultimately, you want both high traffic and high conversions, especially when those conversions are on high-ticket items that bring you a great deal of revenue.

Does your site have high traffic but low conversions? Take a walk through the site with new eyes and identify what needs to be improved. Also, have some people who match your ideal customers browse through and give you feedback.

You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to turn things around with a few simple tweaks.

Want to learn how to turn your prospects into clients?

If you’re a coach, trainer, or consultant and you really want to know how to create an effective sales strategy that turns prospects into buyers, check out our program Kickstart Your Business.

This is a live 12-week group program where I teach you a step-by-step system with learning activities and actual scripts you can use on your own now and in the future.

Through a combination of training, coaching, peer-to-peer accountability, and a private community, you will finally overcome the mindset and physical blocks that keep you from effective selling.

We also have a private members area with amazing resources, bonus learning activities, and templates you can customize for your business.

Join the next group and learn how to turn prospects into clients in a way that feels natural to you.

Find Out More About Kickstart...


(Image credit: Unsplash)

Caroline Gikonyo
Caroline Gikonyo

Caroline Gikonyo is a Life and Business Coach at Biashara 360. She's an avid blogger and also oversees our content creation. This ensures that we give our readers quality and well researched information and tips.

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