The last 2 years have been full of upheavals.
Maybe you managed to grow or even thrive in 2022...
But are you ready for 2023?

Do you want to Set and Achieve Your Goals in 2023 and beyond?

Join This Year's 3-Hour Goal Setting Masterclass And Learn How To

KES. 3,900/- Special Offer!

Discounted from KES. 12,500/-

You Will Not Find This Offer Anywhere Else!

Caroline Gikonyo
Life and Business Coach
Biashara Threesixty

I had never set goals until I became a coach in 2011. Before that, I just breezed through life and had loads of dreams. Some dreams materialized. Most didn't. When I started setting goals and helping my clients do the same, I got confused by the different systems I found. I tried many. None worked for me 100%. 

It got very frustrating and at one point, I wondered whether there was something wrong with me. After all, everything I had tried was working for millions of people. So why not for me?  Eventually, I decided to create my own hybrid system.

I'd like to say that my hybrid worked perfectly. It didn't. It worked very well for some years and then fell flat when I outgrew it. So I refined the system until it worked at this new level. I also shared it with my family and clients, got their feedback, and tweaked it some more. By 2017, I had a process that worked for me and was also replicable by others. 

And then came COVID-19 in 2020 and everything went down the drain! The pandemic trashed all goal setting & implementation systems. It made me drop everything and go back to the drawing board. Luckily, it was easy to modify the system this time. Better yet, this iteration yielded amazing the midst of a global pandemic and economic crisis!

I taught this new system to a group in December 2020. They loved it! Since then, I've received feedback that has helped me simplify the system to something anyone can use effectively on their own!

Here's What You'll Get From This 3-Hour Masterclass


We'll identify everything you want to achieve over the next 3 years, prioritize, and narrow down to your goals for 2023.

No More Monthly Goals

Learn how to narrow down your annual goals into quarterly projects that you work on each week. It's so simple it will shock you!


This is a plan that motivates you to work on your goals throughout the year. You'll also bounce back from setbacks much faster too.


The beauty of this system is that once you get the hang of it, you can customize it to suit your needs and preferences.

Eliminate Obstacles

We'll uncover hidden challenges that may have been sabotaging your chances of success...and create a plan to eliminate them.

Pick My Brain

You're free to pick my brain if there's some knowledge or experience I have that is useful for your professional or business success.


You'll get a recording of the Masterclass so that you have it handy when you need to create a new plan each year.


I'll share the DIY goal tracking template I use each quarter (in PDF and Word). You can print and fill it physically or digitally.


Learn the system and use it on your own for one month. Then we meet for a BONUS 1-hour follow-up to review your plan.


This will surprise you. I get calls from clients years later and they tell me how well the system is working for them. It will for you too.

KES. 3,900/- Special Offer!

Discounted from KES. 12,500/-


Get an edge this year!

I'll teach you a strategy that will shorten the amount of work you have to do to get the results you're seeking. You'll learn how to work with 3-year plans. This gives you the ability to pivot when things don't go as planned (as it happened for many due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing challenges). 



Implement & track your Goals

One of the major mistakes people make is that they set goals without creating an implementation and tracking system. Without such a system, you will flounder and probably give up because you have no way of knowing where you are and the milestones you've already hit. 


You also get...

1-hour follow up group session on Zoom at the end of January 2023 (Worth KES. 7,500/-).
Discount if you sign up for the Finish Strong Challenge for Q1 2023 (your fee for the Masterclass will be discounted from the Challenge fee).
The first 10 people to signup also get unlimited email access to me in December 2022 as you implement your plan.
Email Coaching

Don't Take My Word For It

Learn. Use. Customize. Replicate

Learn the system and use it to create your plan for 2023-2025.
Test the system on your own in January 2023.
Identify the changes you'd like made (to customize the system).  Don't make any changes yet...
Reconnect with me and the other participants in a 1-hour follow-up at the end of January 2023 where we'll discuss how to make changes.
Implement and evaluate progress daily, weekly, and quarterly to achieve your goals for 2023.
At the end of 2023, use your plan for the year and quarterly reflections to evaluate the year that's ending. Measure how well you're doing on your 3-year goals, then create a plan for the next year. 

Claim Your Space In The Goal Setting Masterclass Today

KES. 4,900/- Special Offer!

Only 30 Spaces Available


Class Details

Dates: 3rd and 10th December 2022 (Saturdays)
Time: 9:00am to 10:30am (both days)
Location: Virtual class on Zoom
Action: Create your plan during the class and learn how to implement your plan quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily

Get Ready For 2023

Hit The Ground Running In 2023 While Others Are Still Planning

OR $39

3-hour training with an experienced  Life and Business Coach
Follow up session in January 2023
Audio recordings of all the sessions
3-month access to private portal with videos of both sessions 
Templates in PDF and Google Docs
Create or refine your 3-year plan
Only 30 spaces available

The first 10 people to sign up also get unlimited email access to Caroline until 31st December 2022. This is an invaluable backup as you create and refine your plan.

Best Value

Sign Up Today

KES. 4,900/-

Or $49

2 hour training with an experienced Coach
Create your 3-year plan
Narrow the plan down to 2022
Learn how to implement the plan weekly
Followup session end of January 2022
Only 30 spaces available
"This will surprise you. I get calls from clients years later and they tell me how well the system is working for them. It will for you too."

Caroline Gikonyo

Business Coach, Biashara 360

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most common questions people ask about the Goal Setting Masterclass

How long is the Masterclass?

The Masterclass lasts 3 hours (90 minutes per day on 2 separate days). It's conducted online via Zoom and the sessions are recorded and shared with participants in a private Members' Only space. We also reconnect for 1 hour at the end of January to review progress and make changes based on people's experiences when implementing their plans in January.

Are 3 hours really enough to complete my plan for 3 years and also learn how implement it?

Yes, this is enough time and some people take less than 3 hours. Also, remember that you will have the recording to guide you should you need to refer back. Additionally, we'll have a 1-hour follow up session at the end of January 2023. This is where you can ask questions, get clarity, and refine your plan before moving further.

I'd love to attend, but I can't make it on those days and times. What do I do?

While attending LIVE is highly recommended so that you learn and ask your questions directly, you can still sign up to get the recordings and templates. And, if you're among the first 10 people to sign up, you'll get unlimited email access to the Coach as you work on your plan in December 2022 and January 2023.

I'd love to take this offer, but I can't afford the fee at this time. How can you help?

I do understand that times are tough and finances are tight for many people right now. While the fee may seem like it's too high, it's already highly discounted from the regular one. Also, note that you'll be getting access to a process that will help you for years to come. 

I took the Masterclass before. Do I have to take it again?

Some people are able to create a new 3-year plan on their own or update their current plan if they're in the middle of the 3-year period. However, there are others who prefer to attend this class each year to ensure that they get a refresher while updating their plans or creating new ones. 

Additionally, new strategies come up over time and I test some out on my own before introducing them to my 1-1 and group coaching clients. The feedback from this testing is incorporated into each year's Goal Setting Masterclass. So while the end result of the class is a 3-year plan, the content is updated to include leading-edge goal setting and achievement strategies. 

With that in mind, I recommend that you take this Masterclass if you're creating a new 3-year plan so that you take advantage of these updated strategies.

Can I get a refund?

There are no refunds for this program because you will have access to the content anyway. It's highly recommended that you give the plan a chance by working on it diligently within the first month. You can come to the follow up session with your questions and have them addressed there. 

Any other questions?

Click here to email Caroline if you have more questions. 

© 2022 Copyright Biashara Threesixty Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


Make your payment using the instructions below

Make a payment to MPESA Buy Goods Till Number 698903 (Biashara Threesixty).

Send the MPESA confirmation message to 0738-189584. Include your name and what you're paying for (i.e. Goal Setting Masterclass).

If you're paying for more than one person, make sure you include the names of all the people you've paid for.

You will receive a confirmation email within one business day.

We process your personal data as stated in our Privacy Policy. You may withdraw your consent at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails.

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